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  1. W


    We always had swimming lessons at the nearby outdoor pool and always in the aurum term. I swam a couple of times because I love swimming but it was so cold. After that I too always had a period at swimming lessons. None swimmers still had to go and watch the others swim and it was nearly as cold...
  2. W


    It looks lovely. We have melting snow here and it was difficult to walk through it this morning, like paddling in some places where it had melted and not run away.
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    I do feel for you it is so hard trying to come to terms with loosing Harley. It is good that you could talk about her on your walk. Take care.
  4. W


    What a lovely girl she is, so pretty. It is so heartening to read your update, you really have done so well with her.
  5. W

    What made you smile today?

    That's so lovely, what a lovely sweet boy you have.
  6. W

    What made you smile today?

    That's such good news she has come such a long way and deserves to be treated like a celebrity.
  7. W


    I am so sad for you. She had the best life so I hope that brings you some comfort to you.
  8. W

    What made you smile today?

    She is amazing I am so pleased that she is able to walk a bit. How kind of the couple to think of you and give Nellie the buggy.
  9. W

    It's a boy!! (Welcome ODIN)

    So pleased for you, it's very exiting and I look forward to the photos and hearing about his progress. Lovely news.
  10. W


    I am so sorry, it is such a hard thing to do but the right thing for poor Harley. I am thinking of you and sending lots of hugs.
  11. W

    Happy Thanksgiving

    No, but my brother lived in America for a long time and I know how important thanksgiving is in America.
  12. W

    Chewie has a sore shoulder

    What a relief for you that it wasn't something worse. Difficult enough though keeping a labrador from jumping around when they begin to feel better. Hope poor Chewie feels more comfortable very soon. Perhaps you can relax just a little bit now.
  13. W

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Thank you.. Enjoy your day too.
  14. W

    Nelly's dog attack journey ❤️

    Just the best news and loved the photo of her getting around. She is such a star.
  15. W

    Nelly's dog attack journey ❤️

    I am pleased that it is in the hands of the police now. It sounds a bit more hopeful that Nelly has been out to toilet and eating and drinking a little - go Nelly you can do it, we are all behind you. Take care of yourself Kate as well in all this mayhem.
  16. W

    Chewie has a sore shoulder

    Poor Chewie I hope the rest and meds do the trick. You certainly don't want your in laws dog racing around and getting him exited while he is recovering.
  17. W

    Nelly's dog attack journey ❤️

    Have only just seen this. I am so sorry it's horrific, I don't know what to say. I hope dear Nelly makes a speedy recovery after today. I am thinking of you. take care of yourselves too at such an awful time.
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    So sorry this happened to you and Harley, such an awful experience. I hope you are feeling slightly better and that Harley is alright.
  19. W

    Maxx is sick

    Great news I am pleased for you
  20. W

    What made you smile today?

    Wow! how lovely and what a surprise. I am so pleased for you.