Dental abscess

I think (I'm certain) Meg has a tooth abscess.

She has a swelling under her right eye and if you gently poke your finger along the gum in comes out quite smelly, and he breath is smellier and different than usual. She is very stoic and carrying on like there's nothing, but she'll squeak if she catches herself when scratching her face or if you accidently catch it in rough petting (she loves a vigorous ear-flap, we have stopped this for now).

We have an appointment tomorrow at 9:15 with vet James, I don't know him. I am dreading it. I can't see how they can examine her! And then what if she needs an extraction? I just can't think how she or the vet staff will cope.

Meg is carrying on as usual, playing tug and chase and play fighting with Coco. She is happy because I have stopped using her head collar. This has been a plus out of the whole situaton, I am finding she is easier to handle now on her flat collar and harness, though we haven't seen other dogs on our walk (this is when she will lunge like mad).


MLF Sales Coordinator
So sorry Sue, I know its very difficult for you. Try not to worry and fingers crossed James will be helpful :hug:
Finn had an abcess last year, or was it 2 years ago....? The vet had the tooth removed as the root was visible. I dreaded the anaesthetic, but all went well. It had to come out quickly, a course of antibiotic included...
I can't compare Finn to Meg offcourse....I hope that antibiotics can solve this! And that it is not too bad as it was with Finn....
Well vet James was absolutely brilliant with Meg. The receptionist, Laura, remembered her from last time when she took Meg in for her booster vaccs, so she put us at ease straight away.

James was already chatting in the (empty) waiting room to another staff member, so we sat and waited. After she left, he came over and sat near us and chatted to Meg and me. He was so good, he didn't make eye contact, just kept encouraging her, then he got a biscuit out and asked for her paw - and she obliged. He took her lead and I moved over to sit next to him and he chatted more, taking a really kind and professional approach to Meg. Then we went into the consulting room. He was still doing all sorts of things to make Meg comfotable. Eventually the muzzle came off and it was up to me to try & expose the molar for him to have a look. He gave her more biscuits and explained how we move forward.

In a nutshell, she's got 5 days of antibiotics and some metacam. If it comes back she will have to go in for xrays and extraction. He said that is usually a 2 stage process, but if he were to do it himself, he would try and do it in one. For that we'd have to go to the Onchan branch (some 10 or so miles away). He put me at ease about that, should it come to pass.

We came out and weighed her (20.8kg), and Laura got some more biscuits for Meg, again asking for her paw, saying she was trying to make Meg's visit a positive experience, especially at the end of her visit. She's put a note on her records to say that James is her preferred vet. I honestly cried tears of joy and relief when I got back in the car.

Meg now has 2 new friends.

** We didn't teach Meg or Coco "paw", it seems to be one they do at the MSPCA. It's a trick that can lead to the dog badgering you with their paw (and boy, does Meg badger. Coco is good, he doesn't), but today I'm glad it's a trick she knows, it was an ice breaker for her.