Drooling episodes

Poor little Chewie has been having these drooling episodes- about 4 in the past month. Initially we bought it was related to a dietary indiscretion so dismissed it when it resolved but now we are worried. His behaviour is a bit different too, he clearly wants to be alone, which is what he does when he's uncomfortable.

OH is taking him to the vet this evening. :( Its so hard that they can't tell us what's wrong.
Teeth or stomach? They can get a hypersalivation thing due to epigastric pain and discomfort. Rory has it and gets drugs which stop it. Or has been licking toads?
So teeth were fine, abdomen soft and no discomfort, bloods completely normal so not pancreatitis or worse. Apparently he was totally fine at the vet... Happy and wiggly.

He is home now. The vet said if it happens again we can get a referral to a gastroenterologist. We are back in two weeks again anyway for our leptospirosis vaccination. I wonder if it's reflux or something like that. Can dogs get gallstones?
Oh poor Chewie.

As @SwampDonkey said, could he have been licking or eating something that disagreed with him?? At this time of year and in our hemisphere I would suspect acorn eating...
Not that I've seen. There are no acorns in our immediate vicinity that he would have unsupervised access to. And it has been multiple episodes with no clear unifying trigger. I haven't seen any unusual critters in the garden.