Getting old + other woes

I’ve been wanting to post about Snowie’s health issues for a while. But the list is so long I just never knew where to start. Sorry this is a long read.

He’ll be 12 years old in Jan 2024. I forget if it’s the 11th or 12th of Jan!!

Up till a year ago, he was a young dog. Then he suddenly aged. Looking back, I think it was his paws rather than old age.

Almost 2 years ago, he started with an almost imperceptible limp on the front paw. Couldn’t work it out. In hindsight, it was most likely allergies that led to him licking his paws, which removed the hair in between the pads underneath and left the skin bare, which got abraded by the dirt paths, which led to more licking and making the skin raw.

Our regular vet said to dip them after every walk in Bioscrub (chlorohexidine) for infection control. He also gave antibiotics and the limp went away. Finished antibiotics, and the limp came back. Our vet said it was okay to give antibiotics every six months. (In hindsight I completely disagree! Led to far more allergies and skin problems.) Our vet didn’t link the paws to allergies. He just said it’s one of those things with large dogs, their front paws get sore and infected, he didn’t know why, but saw a trend.

Anyway, the dipping did nothing except turn his paws pink (colour of Bioscrub) and he limped worse. So went to the holistic vet (we’d been multiple times to our regular vet). The holistic vet said stop the liquid, must keep paws dry. Use powder. That was a game changer. Paws improved dramatically.

But Snowie’s paws go up and down. When they’re better and we do a longer walk, the right one gets much worse. Yesterday he didn’t want to step on it.

At the pharmacy, the assistant suggested Fullers Earth as a foot powder. On reading up on it, it’s suggested to make a paste and put on wounds and hotspots. Dries out the area and provides a protective barrier. So I did that last night plus gave him pain meds. This morning the paw is a bit better. But a little bloody—he’d licked it overnight, bandage has come off. More paste this morning.

I’m at my wits ends. Walking is such an essential part of his day, but this limp is really bad at the moment.

Added to that:
- Bladder stone. Causes wee in his blood from time to time. Vet said nothing to do, just to scan it regularly and keep an eye on it. Too old for this kind of op.
- Had an op a few months ago to remove another warty lump on his eyelid (inside bottom lid), another lump on his gum (vet said he saw 3 cracked teeth, but Snowie doesn’t show any eating issues so we’re not putting him through a major op), had a few warts removed (from his side, chin, and head); and had his ears and paws thoroughly cleaned under anaesthetic which was a very good thing. Ears are now easier to maintain with regular cleaning. They were very inflamed before the op.
- Arthritic spine, which sometimes causes pain, he walks around stiffly at first on rising. The vet has given Chinese herbs for kidney function that are meant to help the back and hind limbs. No idea how. I only saw this when reading the insert. I’ll ask him at our follow up in January.
- Itchy itchy itchy! He’s on Apoquel, but the holistic vet has given homeopathic meds to try to get him off Apoquel (he’s on both meds at the moment). But he has licked and chewed and scratched patches of fur off his hind legs and chest. I’ve discovered at least the white Fullers Earth paste fills in the gaps!!
- Abscess between back toes. Vet not sure if a foreign object, couldn’t feel a grass seed. Suddenly appeared. I think it’s a grass seed, worst ever grass seed season atm. Lymph node is up on that leg. Vet gave immune support meds. Didn’t want to give antibiotics but rather wait a month to see if goes away. If not, then will need investigation. Not really bothering Snowie. I put Fullers Earth paste on it last night, apparently has a drawing effect. Let’s see…

I feel so sorry for this poor dog. He gets so much joy from going out. But his front paws hinder him.

Here’s a photo of him with his bestie Sunshine. Wearing socks at the beach!
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Staff member
Poor Snowie. And poor you - it's difficult to know what to do in these scenarios isn't it?

Up until a couple of years ago Harv had had some issues with arthritis, which we were coping with, and not much else. Then he developed these sore patches on his paws (mainly between the toes but also on the tops and bottoms of his feet, sometimes) - primarily the front ones. Much like you, we tried one thing after another (including antibiotics, lotions and potions, trips to a hugely expensive specialist dermatologist vet, and even surgical removal of one badly impacted area) and some things seemed to work for a little while but then the sores returned.

Eventually, after doing online research, I suggested a full blood test for potential allergies. It came back clear on the vast majority of things BUT highly elevated on two - yeast and dust mites (no, we don't live in a dirty brewery! :wink: ). Using this knowledge, the allergy test company can prepare an immunotherapy treatment that our vet administers monthly. The improvement has been immense. The sores haven't gone completely but they are greatly reduced (I'd say around 90-95% improved) - it's now quite rare for Harv to lick his feet or to limp (and when he does limp we suspect that this is down to the arthritis rather than the sores).

I'm not saying that Snowie's problems will be allergy-related but, if you haven't already tried it, perhaps it is something to discuss with your vet.
@UncleBob yes, I remember your writing about this in another post. I asked my vet about this and his response was that we don’t have a lab in South Africa that provides allergy testing and preparations to inject. It gets sent overseas (I think the US), where the labs don’t have the full array of SA allergens. So, it might not catch the correct allergy. He felt it was extremely expensive for an unreliable benefit. I’ll ask again when we see him in Jan because we have to do something!

How did Harv’s op go? My vet was reluctant to operate into the paw web where there is thickening. He said the op can make things worse because the area would have difficulty healing due to so much movement of the paws.


Mama Red HOT Pepper
I’m so sorry to read that Snowie has developed so many issues lately, it sounds really overwhelming. That photo of him though, is so adorable and tells me that all the health problems are not dimming his spirit . He probably knows you’ve got it covered for worrying so he can just go on being a happy dude.

Up till a year ago, he was a young dog. Then he suddenly aged.
This really brought me back to my Rottie boy Brogan. Up to 11, I could easily lie about his age (this is a habit of mine, which is why Carbón was 2 for about 4 years and while he will remain 6 years old until he’s at leat 10). Then 11 hit and it was like he’d decided he’d earned retirement and that included several previously important bodily functions . I loved his new-found sass, the rest alternately scared the bejeebees out of me and/or made me so sad.

Just saying that it’s an emotional rollercoaster, so sending lots of hugs your way.



Staff member
How did Harv’s op go? My vet was reluctant to operate into the paw web where there is thickening. He said the op can make things worse because the area would have difficulty healing due to so much movement of the paws.
Yes, our vet warned us too - the area was on the webbing between an outer toe and the one next to it and the vet said that it would likely stick out more than it would normally and that this could result in a greater risk of infection through grit and grass seed infection. However, out of desperation, we decided to proceed - cone of shame for a while but Harv bounced back pretty quickly. The outer toe does protrude further than previously but you wouldn't know unless you were looking for it (and, touch wood, no infections).

That's a shame about the immunotherapy. It is expensive but nowhere near as much as the trips to the expensive dermatologist vet so we figured it was worth a try :) Keeping our fingers crossed that you find something that works.
This really brought me back to my Rottie boy Brogan. Up to 11, I could easily lie about his age
Same with Snowie. I was so proud when people thought he was a young dog. But in the past year, people have been saying, “Aw an oldie”. 😞 On his good days—and there are thankfully good days!—people are amazed he’s almost 12 years old. But we do need to accept that he’s getting on in age.

Thankfully the bad limp is improving. I can cope when things improve. But I get so dejected when things goes backwards. He’s still chewing holes in his fur. We’re going on holiday tomorrow for 9 days to a small beach town which has clean salty air and indigenous plants and usually rather chilly. So hopefully he’ll feel less itchy there. In the past, he has loved his beach holidays, but not so sure about how much walking he’ll manage this time. We’ve gotten the hang of taping the sock so that it doesn’t slip off too easily. And… there will be a My Labrador Friends Meetup!! Watch this space!!!!! 💃🏽🐾
That photo of him though, is so adorable
Thank you! Isn’t it just!

Here’s another, at the market (last weekend). He’s waiting for his coconut! Barks if he’s not served quickly enough! The sock helped so much cos otherwise he finds it painful to walk on the wood chips. And wow, amazing how many people stopped to say how cute! (And yes, he’s never outgrown his weird sit, back legs splayed and tummy hanging forward.)



Mama Red HOT Pepper
But in the past year, people have been saying, “Aw an oldie”. 😞
This is precisely why I shamelessly lie about my dogs’ ages. I consistently start to get the “Awwww” said in a sad and sympathetic way at 8 years old. Though the intention is good, it drives me mad. So I lie. Until it’s blatantly obvious that I’m lying, then I readjust. I’m hoping Carbón’s latest adjustment to “He’s six “ will take us through the next five years!

On a side note, I met a dog yesterday - midsize shepherd size - whose owner claimed she is 21! I don’t believe that in the slightest, but I admire the moxie to go the other way than I do. 😂

For his foot, you might also check out shoes (unless a shoe wouldn’t breathe enough). I’ve used Ruff Wear (I think that’s the brand) with purpose made socks (teeny weeny dog socks 😂) on Carbón when he’s had a cut pad, but mainly they were Brogan’s. He had spondylosis and in his last year really dragged his back feet. Those shoes saved his poor feet. Plus everyone loves a dog in shoes. 😉


Mama Red HOT Pepper
Thank you! Isn’t it just!

Here’s another, at the market (last weekend). He’s waiting for his coconut! Barks if he’s not served quickly enough! The sock helped so much cos otherwise he finds it painful to walk on the wood chips. And wow, amazing how many people stopped to say how cute! (And yes, he’s never outgrown his weird sit, back legs splayed and tummy hanging forward.)

View attachment 39503
That IS one happy dude - look at him!❤🥰
For his foot, you might also check out shoes (unless a shoe wouldn’t breathe enough).
A friend lent me her dog’s booties. They were no good. Look, I think they were most likely on the low end, not particularly well made. But they kept slipping off. The problem with Snowie is that his paws are so splayed that he’d need xxxlarge. But then they’d be too loose on his ankles. And there is nowhere to go try on booties. All of them are online shopping only.

The sock has been great. Made a massive difference. Wish we’d done it sooner.
Poor Snowie and poor you. Having got one lab to 15 and another to 12 I have good idea what your going through. It’s a bit like all of a sudden everything starts going wrong. Snowie obviously has allergies and a lot of the other things are unfortunately old age but has the vet swabbed between his toes. Specifically the toe with the suspected grass seed. Scott got a lump/abscess between his toes. He licked it like mad and it caused him to limp. The vet suggested bathing with warm water to try and draw it out and gave him antibiotics. It went but two weeks after the ABs was back. As Scott and Scout had issues with strangers touching Scott was sedated so the vet could throughly investigate and decided there was nothing in it so took a swab. It came back as a fungal infection. He was put on anti fungal tablets, it cleared up and never came back. With all Snowie’s allergies a fungal infection is quite possible I would’ve thought although I expect poor Snowie has already been swabbed to within an inch. :confused:
@Jennifer he didn’t have the toe swabbed. I will ask the vet to do that. It’s got worse now, after he had a good lick and chew at it. Our appointment is for 19 Jan, but I might bring it forward cos he’s chewing his back legs badly as well. Hoping the vet is back from his holiday before the 19th!