Homer being sick

Homer has been sicked up his diner for the third time this week. Vomited up all his dinner less than a minute, today only seconds after finishing his dinner. He went though a phase of eating 2/3 of his dinner, then coming back for the rest later but recently hes been eating almost all of his dinner in one go. I'm going to try out giving him a smaller dinner then the rest at bed time, keeping some more back for breakfast. I have always kept about a 1/4 of his food for his breakfast.

He has Burns kibble and half a tin of wet dog food with a bit of water splashed over it.
Sounds as if there is a little too much dinner? I put warm water on Rourke's kibble, he has half a mug of kibble and an inch or so slice of Forthglade wet food. Has that twice a day, he weighs 31kg. Or there might be another problem, something stuck?
Homer has been sicked up his diner for the third time this week. Vomited up all his dinner less than a minute, today only seconds after finishing his dinner. He went though a phase of eating 2/3 of his dinner, then coming back for the rest later but recently hes been eating almost all of his dinner in one go. I'm going to try out giving him a smaller dinner then the rest at bed time, keeping some more back for breakfast. I have always kept about a 1/4 of his food for his breakfast.

He has Burns kibble and half a tin of wet dog food with a bit of water splashed over it.
Finn had this 3 weeks ago. Lasted a couple of days and then normal again. I gave him low fat yoghurt at lunchtime and that helped. The thought behind this is that I thought he had some problems with gastric acid. It helped Finn…
Finn had this 3 weeks ago. Lasted a couple of days and then normal again. I gave him low fat yoghurt at lunchtime and that helped. The thought behind this is that I thought he had some problems with gastric acid. It helped Finn…
When reading this back I think I need to explain it more….Finn was sick, he vomited and he wanted to go outside all day to eat grass. Even the tiniest grass between the stones he ate. His belly was rumbling. He didn’t want to eat his vomit, something he does when being sick. So he felt lousy…At first I put him on water only, then gave him cooked rice with cooked sweet potatoes. He felt better the day after and I gave him some chicken and rice, cooked. Then it started all over again. He is not allergic to chicken nor rice btw…
Again I gave him cooked sweet potatoes and after a third day my sister told me to give him yoghurt. Plain low fat yoghurt. That’s what her vet told her to give the dogs when being sick. So I did and the rumbling went away, didn’t want to eat grass anymore and wasn’t sick. it could also have been some sort of bug, I don’t know. Perhaps Homer has the same bug or problem?
After fruitless vet visits and a lot of experimentation and hair-pulling, I now soak Meg's kibble so that it is fully-expanded before it goes into her stomach. I add an extra splash of water to the dish too. She still gets upsets but not daily. If she eats grass it causes an upset that requires a full 24 hour starvation. She eats grass when she's frustrated - say in a game of fetch when Coco gets the ball. I imaging the tough grass leaves irritating the stomach lining and so it requires the 24hr period of rest to heal, (I've tried 12hr, 18hr but still she'll vomit).

Her kibble is split between breakfast & dinner and a tray of Wainwright's wet food split between breakfast/dinner/supper - it's a very fine balance between too much food making her sick and too little food and she loses weight.
Maisy did this a few weeks ago, just went into the garden and brought up her dinner, an hour or so after eating it, she had been snoozing up until that point and it baffled me. Afterward she was a bit sorry for herself and her tummy was rumbling like an angry bear. She had also been eating lots of grass but that's not too unusual so I have no idea what caused it. Maybe it is a bug doing the rounds :sad:
Homer has been a lot better for quite a while but recently he has been sick a few times after eating. He’s been having half a tin wet food mixed with a handful of kibble mixed with warm water, and a bit more dry kibble in a slow feeder. A few days ago I gave him some left over mashed potato from the fridge which came right out again. Then last night his dinner came back out, He managed to get half of it back in while I was cleaning it up. i put a handful of kibble in his slow feeder a while afterwards but then two hours later it all came out again. Soft poop most of this week too. He’s fine within himself.
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Bristol, UK
Maybe leave it half hour before giving them m a dentastick. It might be too much in one go. Harley has her a small breakfast then 3 frozens (her food frozen in a toppl) throughout the day, a small meal in the evening with some veg. If she has it in 2 meals she is often sick after.
Sorry to hear Homer has had a bad tummy again. Merlin also has a very sensitive stomach and woke us last night needing to go out to do a poo (in the pouring rain, naturally). Like Homer he has not had anything out of the ordinary, but he did go in the stream yesterday and may have had a mouthful or two of the water, so maybe it was that that caused it... When he has an episode with an upset tummy I feed him rice with steamed fish or a little bit of soaked kibble for a day or more until things have cleared up. Anything lasting longer than two days and we take him to the vets. I hope Homer is better soon.
MEg woke me again last night at 1am, lipsmaking at the bedroom door - just got her into the garden in time - sick. She ate it. I have given her soaked kibble this morning, she's such a skinny thing that I really don't want to do another 24 hour starvation only a day after the last one. I may regret this decision. OH says this morning "she must have had too much pork" :facepalm: When I say "a tiny bit" - he translates that.
He's had a small dinner, 1/4 of his usual daily amount of food this afternoon. No dentastix (we are not even using the word) just a small dry biscuit as an after dinner treat. I didnt take him mantrailing yesterday, partly because torrential rain was forcast and I didn't want him gobbling up lots of treats. So have had a quiet weekend although a good steady walk today.
How's Homer today @JES72 ? Is he keeping food down? Decent poo yet?

Meg seems OK today - I'm now certain episode #2 was down to OH's "small" amount of pork. I amounted to a whole slice. She had terrible poos yesterday - Massive logs with a big topping of runny poo, then straining for runny/mucous poo. ** Sorry, I know were amongst friends here. All normal today :)
How's Homer today @JES72 ? Is he keeping food down? Decent poo yet?

Meg seems OK today - I'm now certain episode #2 was down to OH's "small" amount of pork. I amounted to a whole slice. She had terrible poos yesterday - Massive logs with a big topping of runny poo, then straining for runny/mucous poo. ** Sorry, I know were amongst friends here. All normal today :)
Glad she's ok.❤