Joy at the vets!


Biscuit Tin Guardian
As if there wasn't enough going on with my balance still being a bit skewiff, while my friend Shelli, (who is kindly walking Joy while I'm not able) and I were having a brief chat thismorning, joy helped herself to a piece of plastic from an empty meat container in our nextdoor neighbours ' recycling and had quickly swallowed it before I could stop her!
No walk for her thismorning, instead a drive to the vet for an injection to make her vomit! Luckily the piece of plastic came back very quickly and was still whole ( hope no-one's eating whilst reading this) so she's absolutely fine, no harm done, had her walk a bit later than usual, came home for a snooze, woke up and asked for ball games in the garden, ate her tea, had another sleep and here she is now tackling her Kong, none the worse for her experience!
I have told her firmly 'No more dramas or hospital visits for either of us!'20231007_105900.jpg


Biscuit Tin Guardian
We're going back to the vet tomorrow, this time for G.A. and Xrays. Joy has been, not exactly limping, but sort of dipping on her front right paw for some time now. It doesn't happen if I keep her on lead, but if I let her off and she runs around, or chases a ball, or we do anything like our usual walks, the dipping starts again. I suspect Arthritis, as does the vet. We tried her on Rimadyl but it hasn't made much difference. There apparently is a monthly injection she could have which should help, but the vet wants an Xray first, to make sure that it really is Arthritis, which makes sense to me. So no breakfast for GGJ tomorrow, although I can give her a bedtime snack no later than 10pm, which will no doubt please her, then off to the vet first thing, and back to pick her up after 4pm. It's going to be a long (and very quiet) day.......