Mr Stanley Blue

I've started searcning for a dog. Nothing will replace Homer who has left such a huge hole in my heart that needs to be filled.
Hubby is still somewhat reluctant but I'm going ahead anyway. I'm going on the advice from our local priest on this matter who said 'ask for forgiveness later :wink:'

Rather than a young puppy I think a 2 to 5 year old dog to rehome would suit best. Then I get a bit picky, prefrably a yellow female lab that doesn't have health or anxiety problems. Although happy to do training and continue mantrailing a new dog.

I've regestered with Labrador rescue (Home - Labrador Rescue South East & Central), Battersea Dogs Home and Dogs Trust.
Please let me know if you hear of any dogs that need a new home.
I think you are doing the right thing, it does help heal, but as someone once said 'I am not replacing my dog, just creating a new space in my heart' your hubby will love the new dog once you find one. I had great difficulty when I looked for a Lab, so have given up until Rourke dies now. Kate does a rescue for Labs, maybe she will know of one.


MLF Sales Coordinator
I'm going on the advice from our local priest on this matter who said 'ask for forgiveness later
Love it. Good luck in finding you're new friend. @Beanwood maybe able to help you. Homer was a special dog and you will always carry him in your heart :hug:


Mama Red HOT Pepper
That’s really good news and very courageous of you. Not because it’s a hard thing to have a dog of course, but when you lose your beloved friend, it can be a hard thing to put yourself out there to start all over again. But oh so worth it. As much as they can be pains in our backsides sometimes (Stanley are you being naughty this week @Jen ? 😉), life stinks without them.

You will have a gazillion options for rescue - the hard bit will be choosing, both the rescue organization and the dog her/himself. But you will get there!

pee ess: Carbón would like me to add that sometimes the dog picks the human and the human may not realize it for a very long while and the dog thinks the human is a leeeetle estupido but still loves her. Ojalá!

Hubby is much more on board now. He would rather get a puppy as he's cautious an older dog is being rehomed because it has problems. I've told him Andy our mantrailing trainer will check out any dog for us before we commit.
I have had a lovely chat with a lady from Team Edward.
I've found this lovely lady 26245.html on line but still need the courage to make contact to find out more.
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I'm getting closer to convincing Huppy which is good progress.
I have had conversations with to possible potential puppy breadres. One lovely lady who @Beanwood recomended who has a very sweet looking red boy pup who is already called Homer. I'm not sure as its just too much the same as my Homer. I know I could change the name but don't think I could either. Then I also had a long video call with breaders pretty blond girl pup who's dad sires for guide dogs and mum is a therapy dog but she's really expensive at the top end of the range that puppies go for.
I'm getting closer to convincing Huppy which is good progress.
I have had conversations with to possible potential puppy breadres. One lovely lady who @Beanwood recomended who has a very sweet looking red boy pup who is already called Homer. I'm not sure as its just too much the same as my Homer. I know I could change the name but don't think I could either. Then I also had a long video call with breaders pretty blond girl pup who's dad sires for guide dogs and mum is a therapy dog but she's really expensive at the top end of the range that puppies go for.
You could change his name, I have changed my 7 month old pup from Jess to Flicka and she has adjusted well. Good luck in your search.
We changed our Tibetan Terrier’s name when we got him at one year old. His breeder had called him Rufus, but his owner changed that to Lhasa. We changed it back to Rufus!