Yesterday afternoon a loose dog came running onto my cousins front lawn where me and Hunter (on lead) were talking to her OH. It came up to Hunter growling. I kicked my foot out to keep it away it did make contact but not hard. At the same time I was shouting at the owner get your dog on a lead, it’s on private property attacking my dog and I’ll report it. I then got a lot of abuse back including that she was going to report me for kicking her dog, to which I replied ok go on then because she was the one in the wrong. She also threatened to thump me if I kicked her dog again. I’ve had issues with her before. A very similar thing happened with Scout. That time I had Scout in one hand and holding the collie’s harness in the other keeping it away from Scout while it growled at him. No apology from the woman just took her dog. That time I said nothing. I also had to ask her (nice and politely I might add) not to let her dog on to the dog field while walking down the lane as the neighbour who doesn’t like the dog field was complaining. (We set up a dog exercise field during covid. To get planning and to please the only neighbour who objected it has to be closed Sunday afternoon) The woman’s response it was our fault she let her dog on the field because the gate wasn’t shut. I wonder if that theory applies to garden gates too
. I’m afraid to say yesterday when I saw the dog and her I probably did over react more than I would’ve normally although if she’d come running apologising for not having her dog under control I wouldn’t have. Things happen. The problem is I’m now annoyed with myself and feel awful for speaking/shouting at someone like that. It’s not me. I’m thinking of apologising next time I see her even though I don’t think I was the one in the wrong and I certainly didn’t use language like she did. Apparently I’m a b*t*h.