Still in a dither

Yesterday afternoon a loose dog came running onto my cousins front lawn where me and Hunter (on lead) were talking to her OH. It came up to Hunter growling. I kicked my foot out to keep it away it did make contact but not hard. At the same time I was shouting at the owner get your dog on a lead, it’s on private property attacking my dog and I’ll report it. I then got a lot of abuse back including that she was going to report me for kicking her dog, to which I replied ok go on then because she was the one in the wrong. She also threatened to thump me if I kicked her dog again. I’ve had issues with her before. A very similar thing happened with Scout. That time I had Scout in one hand and holding the collie’s harness in the other keeping it away from Scout while it growled at him. No apology from the woman just took her dog. That time I said nothing. I also had to ask her (nice and politely I might add) not to let her dog on to the dog field while walking down the lane as the neighbour who doesn’t like the dog field was complaining. (We set up a dog exercise field during covid. To get planning and to please the only neighbour who objected it has to be closed Sunday afternoon) The woman’s response it was our fault she let her dog on the field because the gate wasn’t shut. I wonder if that theory applies to garden gates too :unsure:. I’m afraid to say yesterday when I saw the dog and her I probably did over react more than I would’ve normally although if she’d come running apologising for not having her dog under control I wouldn’t have. Things happen. The problem is I’m now annoyed with myself and feel awful for speaking/shouting at someone like that. It’s not me. I’m thinking of apologising next time I see her even though I don’t think I was the one in the wrong and I certainly didn’t use language like she did. Apparently I’m a b*t*h.
Ugh I’m sorry that happened! But honestly… I wouldn’t apologize. I understand what you’re saying, I myself am not like that either, EXCEPT when it comes to my dog. I will do and say what ever I have to to protect my dog. Which is exactly what you were doing, and you do not need to apologize for that in my opinion. She sounds quite hot headed from her reaction and from your other experiences with her, so maybe having you react the way you did will make her think twice next time. And if she thinks you’re a b*tch then hopefully she will just completely avoid you from now on 😅
Yes maybe I should embrace my new reputation
Haha!! That's the spirit!

Except that from your posts on here I deduce that you are not a b*t*h :)

It's really horrid when these things happen, an ordinary pleasant day suddenly gets turned into something else. When your own dog is completely innocent it's upsetting.
Hunter does seem a steady soul so hopefully no ill effects :hug:


UK Tour Guide
But honestly… I wouldn’t apologize.
I wouldn’t either. I understand where you are coming from though. I absolutely hate conflict. I’m always shocked at rude aggressive dog owners. Don’t beat yourself up about it, you were defending the safety of your dog and she was in the wrong. Hopefully you won’t see her again for a long while. If and when you do try to just ignore her as if she was invisible
Oh heck , what a nasty upsetting thing to happen, but please dont lose sight of the fact that it was not your fault, she was on private land , Hunter was on lead, end of xxx
I dont blame you for being angry , and I know you are not a bitch at all but sometimes, our buttons are pushed and we react , we all want/need to protect our dogs and she should have said sorry, not you xxx


Devon, UK
As with dogs, anger is sometimes an appropriate response with humans and it sounds like it was in this case.

You did fine; uncomfortable, but proportionate and most importantly you advocated strongly and successfully for Hunter. It’s great that he’s a chilled boy, and it’s your instincts that will help give him the best chance to stay that way.

Thank you all very much for your support and kind words it makes me feel a lot better.

Jeez I hate this kind of thing! If it were me and my dog ran up to some one else and upset them I'd be grovelling with apologies... Forget her, she's not worth it. xxx
Exactly Karen as would I. I always apologised profusely when Scott and Scout reacted to another dog or person and I always had them on lead with head collars. Even with Hunter when he bounces, bows and barks because he wants to play I apologise and explain he’s technically a puppy and just wants to play. He made a poor delivery man jump yesterday jumping up at the porch stable door to see who was coming to play with him. I apologised yet again. To be fair to Hunter he was delivering his food. :happy:


Fife, Scotland
Sorry this has been tough for you.
You were scared/surprised/angry and acted on reflex to protect your precious Hunter.
Maybe not how you would have reacted under Normal circumstances. Same might apply to her too......?
Hopefully you will sleep on it and move on.
Totally understandable
Its a horrible experience! One you will remember unfurtunately...Been there, but then Finn was the one who was not on leash and went to someone with a beagle on leash. I knew I was the one to blame for I didn't have attention to what Finn was up to as I was also taking care of my grand daughter. We were on a field where dogs were allowed off leash, The beagle was in an area where leashes were obligatory. I appologised profoundly, tell him it was my fault and that Finn skipped my attention. Then he became so mad and startend kicking Finn, while I was trying to put the leash on. That made me mad..... I told him I appologised, but he didn't listen and startend yelling he would throw Finn into the water nearby. Which made me say please do, he will love that.....The man came after me, yelling and pushing against my arms. While my little grand daughter all whitnessed this. It took place a few years ago, but I can recall every minute of it...I guess we all can tell some off these stories.....
@Anne123 Thats an awful thing to happen to you and Finn. I’m so sorry. I can assure you if this woman had even slightly apologised I wouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I only put my foot out at the dog to keep it away from Hunter it wasn’t a kick so I’m not sure under what circumstances she’d have reacted differently @Jacqui-S. From previous dealings with her I think she always believes it’s someone else’s fault but maybe :unsure:
Its a horrible experience! One you will remember unfurtunately...Been there, but then Finn was the one who was not on leash and went to someone with a beagle on leash. I knew I was the one to blame for I didn't have attention to what Finn was up to as I was also taking care of my grand daughter. We were on a field where dogs were allowed off leash, The beagle was in an area where leashes were obligatory. I appologised profoundly, tell him it was my fault and that Finn skipped my attention. Then he became so mad and startend kicking Finn, while I was trying to put the leash on. That made me mad..... I told him I appologised, but he didn't listen and startend yelling he would throw Finn into the water nearby. Which made me say please do, he will love that.....The man came after me, yelling and pushing against my arms. While my little grand daughter all whitnessed this. It took place a few years ago, but I can recall every minute of it...I guess we all can tell some off these stories.....
This is terrible!!!!
So sorry to both you and Anne. What horrible people. I think we’ve all encountered That Person.

@Jennifer if you think you’ll encounter this person again, and you want a better interaction, you could try apologising. It will likely (hopefully! but not guaranteed) disarm her. It could be considered as manipulative, but it might be worth it if you want her to behave better next time. If you apologise for how you responded (not for the content; of course she was in the wrong), she might feel so bad for her behaviour and apologise back. If instead she goes off at you again, well then, all bets are off!!
If I did apologise I’d be apologising for the way I spoke not what I said.
It’s tempting, but she doesn’t seem to be a reasonable person, able to accept she was responsible for her dog being off lead, out of control and then venturing onto private property.
I can’t see her apologising but you never know.
I hope she might just be more careful in future, though. :hug: