Unwell again

Hugo has a squirty bum again 😞 he hasn’t eaten anything bad so I’m not sure what’s triggered this. This mornings first poop was perfect form, then he had a second one right away and it was sloopy… after lunch poop also sloppy, but not cow pies. Then at work tonight my camera was going off and poor boy had two cow pies in his crate. I came home right away and he had three more cow pies when I took him outside. He’s acting completely normal otherwise, playing with his toys and bright and happy… I’ve given him probiotics and a couple spoonfuls of canned pumpkin and tiny amount of kibble for his dinner. Hopefully that’s the end of it but course my PTSD from the last couple times…
It's puppies they eat stuff pick up stuff get excited and just do have silly tummies. Did he eat snow? It could be anything. Get well soon little man
He did eat snow during his zoomies last night and a bit this morning, but I do believe it was all clean snow. The plows hadn’t even been down my street yet so only a couple cars had driven down it and by the time they got to my end of the road their tires should have been clear of salt, but snow is really the only thing he ate out of the ordinary.


Biscuit Tin Guardian
Just wondering if you have a bird table in the garden or anything similar? I had forgotten all about this until reading your posts, but Joy went through a phase similar to Hugo when she was a pup and the vet diagnosed Campylobacter, which she had caught from eating food that had fallen off the bird table. The treatment was easy and effective, I also changed the bird feeding arrangements so that she couldn't reach the food and it hasn't happened since. I hope Hugo's better soon.
@Kelsey I hope Hugo has solidified by morning. You have my complete sympathy Kelsey I can guess how your feeling. From my posts about Hunter you’ve probably guessed I too have PTSD when it comes to diarrhoea. I hate it when I can’t think of a reason for an upset stomach but puppies being puppies Hugo could’ve easily eaten something you didn’t notice. Even clean snow depending on how much he ate might have upset his stomach just because it’s so cold. Hugo’s digestive system could well still be sensitive after all he went through. Hopefully though it’ll quickly improve if it’s something he’s eaten that hasn’t agreed with him 🤞
Just wondering if you have a bird table in the garden or anything similar? I had forgotten all about this until reading your posts, but Joy went through a phase similar to Hugo when she was a pup and the vet diagnosed Campylobacter, which she had caught from eating food that had fallen off the bird table. The treatment was easy and effective, I also changed the bird feeding arrangements so that she couldn't reach the food and it hasn't happened since. I hope Hugo's better soon.
No, I don’t have anything like that in my yard, thanks for the suggestion though! I really can’t think of anything he could have eaten without me knowing either because this boy is attached to my hip constantly. Except when he was having zoomies of course but it was fresh snow so I just don’t know what could have triggered this. I was even looking to see if eating snow could cause diarrhea but sounds like only if antifreeze, or salt mixed in it could, which none of that would have been. Such a mystery at the moment 😕
@Kelsey I hope Hugo has solidified by morning. You have my complete sympathy Kelsey I can guess how your feeling. From my posts about Hunter you’ve probably guessed I too have PTSD when it comes to diarrhoea. I hate it when I can’t think of a reason for an upset stomach but puppies being puppies Hugo could’ve easily eaten something you didn’t notice. Even clean snow depending on how much he ate might have upset his stomach just because it’s so cold. Hugo’s digestive system could well still be sensitive after all he went through. Hopefully though it’ll quickly improve if it’s something he’s eaten that hasn’t agreed with him 🤞
Yes, I was pretty unsettled over night, I kept waking up checking to make sure he was ok, I even woke up early just because I wanted as much awake time with him as possible before work this afternoon. He’s so attached to me constantly that I can’t help but feel I would have noticed him pick something up he shouldn’t. The snow seems like the only likely cause, and like you said, maybe his tummy is just sensitive still, or just sensitive in general so it’s easily triggered? Just weird, I’ve introduced a few human foods over the last few weeks and he hasn’t had any reactions from them at all. Or maybe you guys are right, maybe he did sneak something, maybe there was bird poo or mouse poo hidden in some of the snow that I didn’t see, hopefully it passes quick though if that’s the case.
He slept soundly through the night for 9 hours, no wake up calls. This morning he was happy wiggly Hugo, took him outside to do his business, I had to tell him to go poo, so that was good, no urgency, and it was firmer for sure, easy to pick up but definitely still soft. So I fed him 2/3 of his usual breakfast, see how it settles then I’ll give the rest. I also gave him more probiotic and pumpkin. See how he does before I go to work. I have arranged for my parents to be with him this evening so he won’t be alone too much this evening. Then I’m off for two days thankfully!
Hopefully it will just be an immature digestive system. I used to get very upset with all the diarrhoea Red had in the first year of her life. It did stop as she got older. I hope this happens with Hugo. I am quite rigid in what she is fed as a result of those earlier times
I really hope so! I guess I’m worried it’s going to escalate fast again to bloody diarrhea and needing antibiotics. I hope it’s just a 24 hour blip and then fixes itself 🤞 I can understand being rigid in what Red eats for sure!


Bristol, UK
Fingers crossed it was just the excitement of the snow. I found that Harley would have a very dippy tummy when big changes happened. It was weird, but the only thing I could put it down to.