
Lacrosse @Candy -- my only experience of it is in those books about girls boarding schools , Mallory Towers I think they were called.
Is it the game where you run about with some sort of net in front of your chest to catch the ball? Always sounds alarming/intriguing.

But how lovely to have the snowy walks memory xx


Biscuit Tin Guardian
Lacrosse @Candy -- my only experience of it is in those books about girls boarding schools , Mallory Towers I think they were called.
Is it the game where you run about with some sort of net in front of your chest to catch the ball? Always sounds alarming/intriguing.

But how lovely to have the snowy walks memory xx
Lacrosse is indeed that game with the sort of net. The ball used is of cricket ball hardness and it whizzes through the air at a terrifying speed, propelled by the length of the stick attached to the net thing. All this happens whilst running about on cold mud. The word is definitely alarming rather than intriguing.🫣🤕😱
And if you forgot your swimming kit......:facepalm:
We all lied and said we couldn't swim because we had our periods . Odd how some girls had them every other week. The teachers were male or older women and didn't probe thank goodness :giggl:
We always had swimming lessons at the nearby outdoor pool and always in the aurum term. I swam a couple of times because I love swimming but it was so cold. After that I too always had a period at swimming lessons. None swimmers still had to go and watch the others swim and it was nearly as cold standing around watching.
We had swimming in an outdoor pool, in South Africa so not always freezing but the water was cold and gave me excruciating ear ache. For two years in a row I had double biology after swimming and only remember the hard polished wood of the desk as I rested my pounding head. And burning the soles of my feet through thin trainers more like plimsoles on the hot tennis courts. I was hopeless at sport but for some reason I now have two lots of double games on my teaching time table - apparently it’s my strength! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
the water was cold and gave me excruciating ear ache.
I sufferd from a lot of ear infections growing up and can sympathasise with this, for that reason swimming was never my sport of choice. That and all the faff -- taking clothes off and getting wet!
That said I have just taking out a 4 week membership at out local private spa, it's clean and warm , the lockers and showers function as they should and above all the hairdryers are top notch and so I know that I won't come out with wet hair .

Oh and by the way weather here is not bad at all for January - chilly but dry and no wind.


Biscuit Tin Guardian
Having said that I disliked sport, I absolutely loved swimming (I don't think I ever thought of it as a 'sport', just something it was wonderful to do.) I was clumsy at most sport, prone to falling over my own feet and I used to think 'At least I can't fall over when I'm swimming '. Getting into the cold water and swimming as fast as possible to warm up was part of the pleasure of it!