I understand the argument (sort of) that sterilizing a male dog does not have many advantages, other than that the operation is less invasive than castration - and as discussed already, sterilization will not stop sexual behaviour (just like with a vasectomy in humans). I do find it interesting that vets dont advise or even talk to their customers about sterilizing, rather than spaying, bitches. The main argument I hear for spaying is to prevent pregnancy, but obviously that is not the whole story, as sterilization as well as being a smaller surgery, would also stop any danger of pregnancy. It would not however stop the bitch coming into heat and attracting other males. Therefore, we as humans are choosing to subject our dogs to more invasive operations than are strictly necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancies, for our own convenience.
Interesting to think about, isn't it???
Interesting to think about, isn't it???